Wild News Announces Platform Launch

Wild News cuts communication boundaries through its centralized platform. Agencies can now transfer their design directly on to holograms across cities.

Following the 3D communication start-up launch party in collaboration with Tesla on the 28th of April. The platform will go online, allowing media agencies to take control of Wild News’ holograms.

This technology allows curators to cut out the middle man, paying, placing and time framing their content directly online. A 3D creation studio is linked to the platform, permitting agents to animate content; allowing agencies a complete control over the output.

Wild News is changing the months required to advertise content in the streets into seconds. In order to make this possible, Wild News and its team of developers took all criteria into consideration. Dividing their park of hologram under different sectors of activity. Offering curators the possibility to choose relevant emplacements based on the brand’s sector of activity directly on the platform, Making the communication of information optimized and coherent. Aiming to empower curators through direct access to the major footfall zone across the globe, Wild News could change the way agencies approach street marketing.

The Swiss-American company is launching the first centralized street marketing platforms. Placing itself at the forefront of this new transition. Taking digital media communication to another dimension, as virtual and real meet in the streets. The “StepOut” is happening.

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