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Develop your TV Chanel with Wild News
Expand your influence and increase your audience with a revolutionary delivery channel that is accessible to any budgets, very simply. All this with the best display technology available today. Take advantage of a global audience with over 1000 devices placed in the world’s largest cities.
Holographic technology is not a gimmick, it is much more. According to several studies holograms attract up to 10 times more attention. Wild News offers a real advantage because your content will be measurably more watched. The audience you reach will be larger than the one reached by traditional means of communication.

Become TV Diffuser
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At Wild News Corp. we offer a wide range of partners to help you achieve your goals. Our global partner program allows content, solution and reseller partners to expand their reach in an ever-changing marketplace. We look forward to showing you how Wild News Corp. can help your broadcast media.
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